City of Yarra

City of Yarra

The City Yarra is a local council in Victoria. Yarra’s suburbs have a rich and varied history which is reflected in the city’s built form, natural environment and diverse community composition.

In the early years, Yarra was much more industrial and was home to many iconic Australian brands such as Fosters Brewery, Heinz, and the Rosella Jam and Sauce factory. The industrial focus has shifted to a mix of residential and retail over the years, as the population and demand for inner-city living has increased.

Assemblo has worked with City of Yarra to realise digital projects and help support causes and activations.

Website design & development | Branding & identity | Traditional & Print advertising

Showcasing the history of the Wurundjeri people in the City of Yarra

The City of Yarra council wanted to develop a unique and effective online resource for people seeking information about the Aboriginal history in the Yarra City region, starting with the history of the Wurundjeri people in present-day Fitzroy, Collingwood, Merri Creek and the surrounds. The project sought to provide ongoing value with the potential to grow.

Assemblo worked closely with the council to develop a website that presents historical information and photos, as well as an interactive walking tour of sites of significance in the area.

The mobile version of the website features a live, self-guided walking tour with real-time directions. As the website exists primarily as an educational tool, it behaves more like an interactive kiosk, with a mix of interconnected mediums.

At launch, the site served more than 12,000 unique visitors, with almost 3,000 participants actively taking the online walking tour on a tablet or mobile device. The site continues to average about 2,000 unique visitors every month from organic search.

Aboriginal history of yarra logo
Aboriginal history of yarra website
Aboriginal history of yarra website videos

All case studies for City of Yarra

Busking in Yarra
Busking in Yarra

Bringing music and excitement to the streets of Yarra

Celebrating City of Yarra's vibrant music scene and enriching the streetscape through live music and performance

City of Yarra

Bringing music and excitement to the streets of Yarra

Aboriginal history of yarra website
City of Yarra: Trains Not Toll Roads

Showcasing the history of the Wurundjeri people in the City of Yarra

Creating an interactive walking tour exploring the rich indigenous history of the area

City of Yarra

Showcasing the history of the Wurundjeri people in the City of Yarra

Trains Not Toll Roads
City of Yarra: Trains Not Toll Roads

Campaigning for improvements to railway networks

Advocating for public transport over new roads to improve congestion in Victoria

City of Yarra

Campaigning for improvements to railway networks

Read more case studies

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