Why article creation should be a key focus in your marketing mix

The creation of articles, and their relationship with other marketing activities, should form a crucial part of your marketing strategy. Here’s why.

You may have noticed, there’s a lot of stuff on the Internet. Some of it’s annoying (please, not another Princess Diana article with the release of next season of The Crown), some of it is reassuring (wow, that curve really is flattening), and some of it is truly there when you need it the most (so that’s how I stop the washing machine making that noise!).

But one thing all that stuff has in common? They are all examples of article creation.

Successful marketing strategies include article creation in every stage of a campaign, and contrary to what you may think, there’s a lot more to it than penning another blog.

The content of the articles, the timing of their release, and their relationship with other marketing activities are all considered within a content strategy.

What is article creation?

Article creation is the delivery of a post or article on your website or social media that offers a benefit to your potential customers, and it can be as wide and varied as the businesses it supports.

A hairdressing supplier might post an article about how to care for your locks in summer; a tax agent might write a 10 point guide to preparing documents for your accountant; a supermarket might release a holiday recipe; or a charity might pen a story about how a donation changed a child’s life.

Regular article creation is a key component of content marketing and usually sits within a suite of content, which might also include things like infographics, video tutorials and explainers, as well as paid content.

Benefits of article creation

Article creation might at first seem like a lot of effort to provide information that is essentially free, but the beauty of content creation is that it’s entirely transactional. What you give, you get back in spades.

To begin with, articles supercharged with search engine optimisation (SEO) including headlines, keywords, and images with alt text, will rank your website higher in search.

Article creation allows you to attract new customers searching out information on a particular topic to do with your business, or help you find them and reach out to them wherever it is they dwell online.

Regular article creation enables you to target customers at every stage of the buying cycle, including the phases of awareness, research, consideration, purchase, and retention.

By delivering the information your audience is seeking, you are building trust with a potential customer, growing your brand, and establishing you as a thought leader in the field.

RELATED: The benefits of regular article creation

Why article creation should be a key focus in your marketing mix

How article creation supports other marketing activity

A marketing mix is a delicate recipe of digital and traditional platforms including social media posts, paid advertisements across multiple digital platforms, search ads, influencer marketing, and website advertising, as well as offline marketing options.

Article creation supports every element of the marketing mix.

It brings in a steady stream of potential clients interested in what you have to offer from the social media lead generation part of your marketing campaign.

It’s what potential clients click through to when they see a paid ad or a particular social media comment or post. It’s where your potential customers land when they google a particular issue they’re having, and learn why you are the business that can help them.

Sure, that snappy campaign slogan or eye-catching social media post might get them through the door, but it’s article that forms the bond and makes the sale.

Need help with article creation?

Article creation requires an intimate knowledge of how people engage with words in the marketing space and what information will best support your marketing campaign at every stage.

Assemblo is a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne and has trained and experienced content and article producers that can deliver powerful and targeted content for your marketing campaign.

To find out how article content can help your business or marketing strategy, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or drop us a note via our contact form below.

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