5 sure-fire ways to increase your website conversion rate

There are a few simple steps you can do right now to dramatically increase your website conversion rate. Here’s what you need to know.

The most frustrating things in life are the ‘almost there’s.

You’re almost at work and stuck in a traffic jam; you’ve made it to the shopping centre but can’t find a park; you’ve got through to the ticket office but have been placed in a queue.

If you’re a business owner or marketer, there are few things more frustrating than sluggish website conversion.

You know the deal: your lead generation strategy is working and delivering a steady stream of potential customers to your website… and they’re leaving before making a purchase.

But did you know that there are a few simple steps you can do right now to dramatically increase your website conversion rate?

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Review your conversion funnel

Before you can even begin to think about strategies to increase your conversion rate, you need to look at your current sales funnel and identify what is working and what’s letting you down.

It could be that your lead generation is working a treat and hitting big numbers in the awareness stage (when people get an understanding of who you are and what you offer) or research stage (when they recognise you and click on a link for more information), only to see number drop off during the consideration stage (when they click on more detailed information or a specific product page).

What’s really frustrating is when potential customers get right up to the purchase phase of the sales funnel, only to abandon their carts or shy away from the ‘subscribe now’ button.

Understanding what is working and where you are losing potential customers will show you exactly where the work needs to be done to increase website conversion.

2. Audit your landing pages (aka: sales pages)

Landing pages are web pages that sit outside your website and have one specific goal that is supported by every word and image, as well as the design and layout – and they are incredibly powerful for website conversion.

With none of the normal distractions that exist on websites that play multiple roles and cater to a variety of stakeholders, landing pages can focus purely on sales conversion. If the conversion rate of your landing pages is low, you need to ask why.

Perhaps the goal isn’t immediately clear. What is it you want the visitor to do? Whether it’s to book tickets to an event, purchase a product, watch an explainer video, it needs to be clear right away.

As with the call to action. What about your headings, copy and images: are they enticing? Do they clearly articulate what issue your offering will resolve and why your business is the best to choose?

3. Track how people are interacting with your site

In much the same way you should audit your sales funnel, it’s also necessary to audit your website – in particular, how people are interacting with it.

Analytics will tell you the entry and exit pages and reveal how users are moving around your website.

Heatmapping is also a great way to see how people are interacting with your website or landing page and could reveal that they are moving through the sales process but failing to convert on the final step, for example. This might give you the clue as to where the fix is needed – perhaps adjusting the price point or enticing them with an offer will get them over the line.

Importantly, this data will unearth exactly where website conversion is failing. This is the first step to fixing it.

5 sure-fire ways to increase your website conversion rate

4. Conduct A/B testing (split testing)

Hunches have their place, but in digital marketing, nothing replaces hard data.

You might, with all your experience and expertise, believe that a subject line of an email will certainly result in a high open rate; you might think that social media meme will certainly go viral; you could even be totally convinced that this is the best image to accompany a product page. But how do you know one choice is better than another? Test, test, test.

A/B testing (also known as split testing) is when a webpage, email, or social media post is shared, and is identical in every way except one key difference. It could be a different heading, an alternative image, a varying opening sentence, or it could be the exact same piece, but shared at different times of day or days of the week.

Many a marketing professional has had their certainties about website conversion strategies shot right out of the water when examining the results of A/B testing.

5. Social proof

Social media has the ability to boost your business’ reputation and conversion rate, but it’s still seen by many businesses as a supporting mechanism alone.

The reality is social media needs to be an integral part of every website conversion strategy.

Social media plays a role at every stage of the customer buying cycle, from awareness to consideration, to purchase.

A perfectly executed social media post can generate leads, create excitement around a product, and lead viewers directly to the sales page. Yet, social media is more than just posts.

How are your social media accounts looking? Do they describe clearly who you are and what you offer? Do they highlight your unique selling proposition?

And let’s talk about your reviews. Did you know that, according to a recent Canvas8 study, 89 per cent of consumers check online reviews before making a purchase?

Talk to the experts in website conversion

Poor website conversion can seriously impact a business’ bottom line, so if you need help boosting your conversion rate, you need Assemblo.

Assemblo is a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne, that has a team skilled and experienced in all areas of digital marketing, including website conversion.

To find out how we can help your business, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or send us a note via the contact form below.

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