3 ways email marketing automation has helped businesses succeed

Automation has often been seen as taking something out of your hands to make life easier – and unquestionably, email marketing automation does just that.

Businesses can schedule emails to go out at particular times or have them triggered when a customer behaves in a certain way.

Email marketing automation can personalise emails to match a customer’s preferences and generate them in formats that have been successful with that person in the past.

As robotic as it sounds, email marketing automation takes the grunt work out of communicating effectively with clients.

But email marketing automation also puts more into your hands: it gives you detailed information about the behaviour and needs of your customers, how they respond to different marketing campaigns, and how to focus your marketing energy on areas that pack the biggest punch.

Here’s how email marketing automation has turned around three businesses:

Case study 1: Personalisation

Australian electrical goods wholesaler Auslec/L&H has seen great success with dotmailer as its email marketing automation provider.

In an interview with CMO, the company’s business manager put their success down to the ability to tailor the messages.

One recent email newsletter Auslec/L&H sent out included nine different dynamic content variations based on a customer’s particular behaviour or profile.

The company is also constantly refining messages contained in these variables, using transactional and behavioural data to design, test and send their emails.

Since the company introduced personalised emails, open rates have leapt to 28 – 35 per cent.

3 ways email marketing automation has helped businesses succeed

Case study 2: Drip and nurture

For Strongwell, the world’s largest producer of fiberglass parts, the decision to move to email marketing automation has resulted in increased sales, including one recent $US30,000 request for a quote.

Strongwell’s marketing manager told marketingsherpa that the company’s email marketing automation strategy involves the team continually evaluating a lead’s actions to determine where they are in the sales funnel and move them forward.

For example, if a regular email newsletter is opened, and an action is performed, such as clicking through to the website, then that customer is automatically emailed again within a week.

This allows staff to focus their efforts on personally contacting high-value leads.

Case study 3: Buying timelines

For bridal stationery company, Paper Style, email marketing automation saw their revenue, per mailing, grow 330 per cent.

According to VentureHarbour, Paper Style applied a typical timeline of bride buying behaviour to their email marketing automation strategy.

When someone enters their email into the system, a series of emails are sent out to identify whether they are shopping for themselves or for a friend.

The information collected tells the company where the customer is on the timeline, and allows them to better target future email contact.

As a result, their email open rates have increased by 244 per cent and their revenue per mailing increased by 330 per cent.

Automated email marketing empowers businesses

What these case studies reveal is that, in addition to improving efficiency, email marketing automation empowers businesses.

Instead of shouting a generic message out to customers hoping someone will take the bite, they are now sending strategically targeted and personalised emails and watching their profits grow.

At Assemblo, a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne, we create tailored email newsletters for our clients, with several options for automation.

Interested to know more? To find out how we can improve your email marketing efforts, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or send us a note via the contact form below.

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