What is a brand story?

Your brand story is important in generating new customers and can ensure they keep coming back. Here’s how.

Google is most often discussed in terms of its algorithms, click-through rates, and returns on advertising investment, but when it advertises itself, Google focuses squarely on telling a brand story with the clear message that it can change your life.

A recent Google Superbowl ad campaign, Parisian Love, follows the story of a man Googling through a French adventure, starting with studying abroad, then falling in love, and eventually starting a family. The entire story is told through his Google search history and is set to music.

In terms of telling a brand story, Parisian Love ticks all the boxes. It has a strong emotional impact and it shows clearly how the brand changes people’s lives.

But did you know that brand stories aren’t simply tales put to music and aired on TV, or written on the back of menus?

The most memorable and effective brand stories are actually strategically created using some unexpected elements.

What is a brand story?

Your brand story is essentially the story of your business as perceived by your customers and potential customers.

It’s the emotional-based narrative of how your product or service improves the lives of your customer.

Yes, your brand story comes from the words on your website and promotional and advertising materials – these things directly tell you about a brand.

Yet, a brand story isn’t just a straight narrative – it’s also a collection of feelings and emotions that combine to form the perception of your customers.

These feelings and emotions are grown by brand elements such as brand colour, paper stock, design elements within the store, the people you hire to interact with customers. They all come together to build a story.

Why is having a brand story important?

A business’ brand story is important in generating new customers and can ensure they keep coming back.

No matter what your business, chances are you have competitors.

A compelling brand story can make you stand out from the crowd. It gives you a point of difference; it can convey why your business is preferable, and why your service or product is better able to resolve the customer’s issue.

Stories of all kinds are powerful because people buy into them. People identify with the protagonists and care about what happens next.

A story told well doesn’t just entertain, it draws the reader into the narrative to become part of the story. This kind of connection and loyalty is the stuff that marketers dream of because it’s what grows brands and increases bottom-line results.

How can you develop a compelling brand story?

Before you even start thinking about what story you want to tell, you need to determine how you want to be seen and what you want customers to know you care about.

Then, you need to consider all your story touchpoints: Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think about how your brand story is being formed in their minds – from the first time they see your branding, to their first online experience, to the first time they are greeted by staff in your stores.

Remember, great brand stories follow the rules of all great stories: they have a goal or desired outcome, a problem that needs solving, a hero, a happy resolution.

Finally, give your customers a story to tell. Some of the most effective brand stories won’t be told by you, they will be told by your customers to their friends and family. What story are they going to share?

Telling your brand story

The most effective brand stories are compelling and consistent, so it’s important to get yours right from the beginning.

Assemblo is a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne and can help you with strategic branding to build your business and grow it into the future.

To find out how we can help your business, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or send us a note via the contact form below.

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