5 easy ways to boost your digital marketing activity

With so many ways to promote your business, how do you know which tools and techniques are best to boost your digital marketing activity?

Whether it’s A/B testing, growing your email database or creating a content marketing plan, let us guide you through the best ways to boost your digital marketing.

Here are 5 easy ways you can improve your digital marketing activity:

1. Always use A/B testing

If you’ve got a great idea for an article, social media post or ad campaign, you also need data to back it up.

This is where A/B testing, also known as split testing, comes in, because it is the most effective way to analyse the success of a marketing campaign.

It’s a way to uncover which activities are working and what the audience is responding to – think of it as a scientific approach to marketing with measuring actuals.

With this method, slight variations are made to a landing page, social media post, a headline, call-to-action or advertising campaign, and the results of each variation are compared.

This empirical evidence will allow you to create and test assumptions, and ultimately allow you to inform future marketing campaigns.

2. Grow your email database

Email marketing is a high-impact, low-cost way to communicate directly to people who are interested and committed to your brand. So, growing your email database makes sense.

Building your email database means more visitors are likely to flow through to your website, engage with your content and maybe even make a purchase.

The flow of email marketing to website visits will also help you to understand what customers are responding to now and what they will buy in the future.

You can use simple tactics to boost email sign-ups, including:

  • Adding a powerful email sign-up form to your website, through a super footer or the Hello Bar (the strip across the top of the homepage)
  • Use engaging language for your call to action
  • Run a competition or promotion to attract email sign-ups
  • Make your email newsletters valuable and shareable.

Get more tips on how to boost your email database here.

5 easy ways to boost your digital marketing activity

3. Track where your visitors are coming from

There’s a tiny bit of code that helps you evaluate the success of a campaign and provides you with information that can radically improve your success in future campaigns.

They are called custom campaigns and marketers use them to track where their visitors are coming from and to determine which campaigns are yielding the best results.

Custom campaigns use UTM (Urchin Traffic Monitor) parameters which are little bits of code attached to the end of a URL that tracks the source, medium and campaign name which sends information to custom campaigns in Google Analytics.

While commonly used in digital campaigns, assigning unique UTM parameters can also reveal whether traffic has originated from a newspaper ad, billboard, radio ad, or TV commercial, when used in conjunction with custom URLs.

4. Improve your website

There are always ways to improve your website to boost performance, attract more traffic and deliver a better user experience.

To improve search ranking, try adding descriptive alt text to images to improve site usability and visibility which will help your search ranking.

With more than half of all web traffic consumed on mobile devices, it’s imperative that your website is mobile-friendly. People will quickly lose interest and Google penalises sites that aren’t mobile-friendly.

You can also redirect the www subdomain, set up and use reporting tools, and clean up messy URLs to improve website performance. More info on that here.

5. Create a content marketing plan for your website

Time spent developing a content marketing plan for your website is time well spent to grow your business and build your brand.

A plan has the power to attract new business, increase sales and place your business as a leader in its field.

The first step is to be clear about your marketing goals and you’ll need to refer back to the company’s overall marketing plan.

Ask what you want to achieve in the next year – is it increased customer retention, lead generation, thought leadership or higher conversion rates?

Creating a content marketing plan can involve a lot of work, but once it’s done you can be assured that every piece of content on your website will be relevant and aligned with your business objectives.

Call in the digital marketing experts

Are you looking to boost your digital marketing activity but don’t know where to start?

Assemblo is a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne, with a strong focus on all things digital.

We can help you with everything from creating strategic digital marketing plans to building websites to refining SEO.

Keen to know more? Give u a call on (03) 9079 2555 or drop us a note via our contact form below.

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