Why good content is so powerful in your digital marketing mix

Content marketing has become an industry buzzword, popping up regularly on digital marketing and sales blogs everywhere.

What it is and why you need it is not always clear so let’s break it down for you: content grows business. Or specifically, good content grows business.

Think about it.

The first time your customer comes to you, they are looking for information or a solution to a problem. Your content is the response to that.

Over the few minutes the potential customer is on your website or social media, good content will answer their question, establish you as an authority in this field, build trust and lay the foundations of a relationship.

It’s a big job. And it’s made bigger when you think that content is also a key tool in search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media engagement.

And if you still need more, here are some reasons why great content is essential for your digital marketing strategy:

Good content adds value across the user buying cycle

Good content will enable you to generate leads and create sales.

Every minute people spend consuming the information you provide is an opportunity to feed them into the sales funnel.

Free, timely, engaging and interesting content will introduce your product or service to potential customers.

Once trust is built and a relationship is formed, good content will drive the potential client to the next stage of the sales funnel, with articles that explain how your solutions are the best fit for them.

The final stage of the buying cycle is the call to action, which good content will deliver seamlessly and effectively.

Good content can synergize your website and social media

Content that is harnessed by social media can have enormous reach, and target exactly the client your company seeks – but it has to be the right content.

Content that really packs a punch is memorable and shareable.

Great content ideas for social media include tips and lists, blog posts, free downloadable guides and reports, infographics and videos.

Researching content at home

Good content positions your business

Consistently publishing trustworthy content builds your reputation as being at the forefront of your industry.

Providing free and well-informed content places you ahead of the pack in thought leadership.

Good content places you high in Google searches

The Google algorithm is complex but put simply, the only way to rank highly on the search engine is to create content that is relevant, timely and of great quality.

Good content is updated regularly, is considered valuable in its category, provides direct answers to questions, and optimises keyword strategy.

Good content works well with others

Like all aspects of marketing, good content works best when it is part of an overall strategy.

Rather than being an adjunct to your marketing plan, great content should enhance the marketing you may already be doing.

Great content can form the central platform around which all sorts of online and offline marketing exercises can pivot.

It streamlines and staggers marketing messages across social media, and provides real-time engagement.

Experience the value of great content

Content can deliver you data about how your customers are responding to your marketing, what they are looking for, and what is delivering results –invaluable information for the developing of future marketing strategies.

To find out more about how a content strategy can help your business, get in touch by calling (03) 9079 2555 or complete the form below.

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