Content marketing: The benefits of regular article creation

Content marketing can improve your search ranking and attract new customers, but it takes methodical planning to get the best results.

Regularly creating free and interesting articles for your company’s website is a great way to promote a new service or product to potential customers, as well as boost your brand awareness.

It can also support your sales processresearch shows 82 per cent of people that consumed marketing content went on to purchase a product or service from a company.

That said, content marketing results can vary depending on the quality of the articles and how they are delivered.

To better understand content marketing, here’s how regular article creation can benefit your business:

Articles improve website ranking

Content marketing can significantly improve the SEO performance of your website and where it ranks in online search results.

Using specific keywords in each article to target different topics is an effective way to cover all of your bases and maximise your exposure in organic search results.

Articles are also important link-building assets that help search engines rank websites, with search companies like Google valuing regularly updated content on websites.

Articles attract new audiences

Content marketing can strengthen your brand awareness and help your business reach new audiences when it’s done correctly.

You can engage new and existing customers by posting articles on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels, as well as through email newsletters.

Once distributed, audiences are likely to share that content with their networks.

Articles can also be paired with digital advertising to drive engagement and reap the benefits of social media amplification.

The content within your articles can also be sliced and diced into smaller packages, commonly known as micro-content, and used on external platforms to give it a new life.

For example, you could take a particular section from one of your articles and then curate it specifically for an Instagram post, as seen here.

RELATED: Why article creation should be a key focus in your marketing mix

The benefits of regular article creation

Articles support sales activity

One way to boost the efforts of your sales team is to arm them with helpful resources, in the form of articles, that will allow them to better inform their customers and direct them to relevant products and services.

In many instances, an article on your website may be the customer’s first step in the buying cycle.

Additionally, you can test potential customer bases by trialling new concepts and keywords in articles and seeing how they perform.

Sales teams can also highlight common questions or concerns raised by customers and then answer those pain points in articles to improve the customer journey.

Keen to get started?

While the benefits of content marketing are clearly valuable, creating regular and interesting articles requires a strategic framework and several resources.

Before writing your first article, you should create a content marketing plan that defines your goals and audiences, outlines your publishing schedule and the topics to write about.

If you need a hand, Assemblo has a team of content marketing experts that can help, including journalists, photographers and graphic designers that can create high-quality articles backed by a sound strategy.

As a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne, we are passionate about developing effective content strategies and articles that are sure to impress your customers.

If you want to learn more, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or drop us a note via the contact form below.

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