6 easy fixes that will improve the conversion rate of your website

It can be expensive to get a new prospect to your website, so you don’t want to lose them to a poorly built website.

Websites can raise brand awareness and provide critical information about your products and services, as well as generate leads and even sell your products and services online.

As consumers become increasingly savvy online, it’s important to offer the best experience for your website visitors to stay ahead of the competition. You want your site to be quick, engaging and easy to use to make the best first impression.

Here are six easy fixes that will improve the conversion rate of your website:

1. Improve your website speed

Consumers expect websites to load quickly these days and they don’t look too favourably on sites that take forever to load.

In fact, Section.io found that websites with longer page load times had higher bounce rates on average.

For example, only 9.6 per cent of visitors bounced when page speed was two seconds, compared to 32.3 per cent of visitors who bounced when the load speed was seven seconds.

You can check the speed of your website with Google’s PageSpeed Tools, which also gives you tips on how you can reduce your page load time.

Unnecessarily large images can have a big impact on your load speed, so consider compressing your images through websites like compressor.io before loading them onto your website.

A well-made site should load non-essential components asynchronously, and leverage caching and content delivery networks (CDN) to improve the user experience.

2. Make your content easy to read on screen

Consumers tend to skim read online, only stopping and reading more when something catches their eye. It’s important to make sure your copy is easy to understand at a glance to capture their attention.

Use shorter paragraphs and headings to structure your data and make the information clear. Aim to use simple, clear language and avoid jargon.

Use bullet points on your website to lay out key features about your business or products in clear, bite-sized chunks. Bullet points should be easy to digest, and your copy should be succinct and jargon-free, so that any website visitor can understand what you’re offering without too much effort.

Consider using eye-catching images or an icons to further emphasise your message.

3. Make your website responsive and mobile-friendly

Smart phones have been around for more than 10 years. We are spending more and more time on our smart phones, so it’s essential that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive.

A potential customer often won’t even bother to use your site if it’s not designed to work on their phone.

Optimising your site for mobile isn’t just about making it easier for users — Google also penalises sites that aren’t mobile-friendly.

You can test your website’s responsiveness with this responsive design tool and then check how fast your mobile site speed is with Google’s mobile website speed test.

4. Focus on high-quality images

Your brand identity is one of your most important assets, especially online when it’s the only point of contact a user has with your business. Many websites drop the ball when it comes to selecting the right images on their site.

Make sure your images are high-quality and display well, replacing any images that are blurry or dull.

Also try to use photography and imagery of your business and products rather than stock pictures where possible. Customers are more likely to form stronger connections when they can see and get to know the people behind the brand.

5. Eliminate dead links

Nothing causes you to lose a potential customer quicker than leading them to a dead end. Website visitors aren’t going to be impressed if they encounter a 404 error instead of the information they want.

The best thing to do is to set up Google Search Console tools for your site and check for 404 page or image crawl errors. Errors could be pages that have been deleted, or incorrect links in your site that break.

Once you have found the errors, you can issue a 301 redirect to fix them through services like Yoast.

6. Enhance your calls to action

Your calls to action (CTA) need to shine in order to get your website visitors to take the next step in the customer journey.

Making strategic changes to your CTA buttons can reap big rewards, including higher click-through and conversion rates, as shown by Beem Digital.

When creating CTA buttons, pay attention to colour, words and their placement on the website.

CTA copy should include verbs or action words that prompt the reader to do something, and it also helps to use strong and time-sensitive language like “sign up now” or “try it today”.

Need help with your website?

These tips will make your website work harder for your business. However, improving your website can be time-consuming once you’ve learnt what you need to do, made the changes and then reviewed your site to make sure everything works together.

Alternatively, you could bring in the team of experts at Assemblo to revamp your website and help grow your business.

Assemblo is a full-service marketing agency based in Melbourne, with a team of highly experienced web developers, web designers, digital marketers and other marketing professionals.

To learn more, give us a call on (03) 9079 2555 or drop us a note via the contact form below.

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